Learn Vite with Evan You

If you’re looking to improve your front-end developer experience, you’re not alone. That is why Evan You, creator of Vue, also created what he calls “The next generation of front end tooling.” Vite.js is a build tool that comes with a dev server and bundles your code for production.

We partnered with Evan to create a course, Lightning Fast Builds with Vite, that dives deep into using Vite, and we’re unlocking it for free September 24-26. This is your opportunity to significantly improve your front end dev experience. We hope you’ll join us for Vite Weekend by reserving your spot. We’ll notify you as soon as the course is unlocked so you can watch it all before it locks again.

Since this is the only Vite course taught by Evan, you’ll have a unique hands-on learning experience to learn from and code along with the creator of the technology. We’ll see you in the course!

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