5 Reasons to attend a Vue conference in 2022

Have you ever seen a Vue conference announced and wondered if you should be attending it? This year, we’re starting to see Vue conferences make their return, many of them in person. These events hold a special place in our hearts, since they provide the opportunity to connect with the community in a totally different way.

If you’ve been curious whether attending a Vue conference is the right choice for you, let’s explore some of the reasons you might want to consider going.

Networking with the Vue community

If you’re someone who uses Vue.js, you are part of an ever-growing and vibrant community. Many of us spend lots of time behind our laptops, engaging with fellows devs via Twitter and Discord, but we don’t have the opportunity to connect with many of our peers in real life. Conferences allow us to make these real connections. At a Vue conference, no matter who you meet or what their background is, everyone shares a common interest.

Because of this, you’ll have the opportunity to meet a bunch of people that share this common ground, who represent various companies and industries. In fact, often some of the biggest companies that use Vue attend Vue conferences, which means you could network with people who work for companies that you may dream of working for. You could meet someone who has a new project they’re starting that you can be a part of.

Vue conferences functions as hubs of new connections and opportunities. The networking opportunities at a conference might be just what you need to make your next move.

Learn from the Vue experts

One of the most anticipated aspects of conferences is learning from the experts. You can expect a stacked lineup of talks from people you never thought you’d get to learn from in person.

For instance, VueConf Toronto (Nov 1-3), will feature Evan You (the creator of Vue.js), along with presenters who’ve served on the core teams of Vue.js, Nuxt.js, built popular libraries in the Vue ecosystem such as Vuetify, and more. Being there in person means you might get the opportunity to chat it up with these experts if you bump into them or find yourself sitting by them at lunch.

And then of course, you’ll have the opportunity to directly learn in a workshop from the masters, too. At VueConf Toronto, Vue Mastery’s Co-Founder Adam Jahr will be teaching a Getting Started with Vue workshop so you can learn in person from our very own experts.

There’s something to be said about being a lifelong-learner. The world seems to get bigger as your knowledge (and opportunities) expand. At conferences, there’s something to learn just about anywhere you go.

A new Vue

The beauty of getting out of our work-from-home or daily office environments is that we can be exposed to new ideas and methodologies. Conferences have a way of immersing us in a completely new and fresh environment. This is usually one of the more inspiring parts of a conference. You leave more expanded and wise than you arrived.

Where do these new ideas come from? Just about everywhere. Everyone you meet is using Vue in different ways, and for a different use cases than you. Whether it’s a conversation during a break between talks, or a new pattern or best practice explained during a talk, you’ll be served a plateful of food for thought that can impact and transform how you approach your own projects.

Get your Vue questions answered

While it’s great to learn things you didn’t realize you needed to know, what about those burning questions that keep you up at night? At a Vue conference, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with dozens of people who might have already solved the problem you’ve been struggling with in your project. A single conversation from an outsider’s perspective has the potential to point you in the right direction.

Perhaps you’ve been working on integrating a certain skill but it’s just not sticking, and you’re still piecing things together. Context matters, and being surrounded by living, breathing context can make all of the difference.

Advance your career

Everything I’ve discussed so far leads me to the final point: You can advance your career by attending a Vue conference.

Going from your daily grind to a multi-day, immersive Vue.js playground can not only remind you why you’re a Vue developer, but make you a better one. Conferences can be a fun and exciting way to propel your career forward. The combination of meeting and connecting with fellow Vue developers, learning directly from Vue experts, being exposed to new ideas, and having new solutions to your problems can leave you with a renewed passion to return to your work back home.

Are you interested in attending a Vue conference this fall? You can join us at VueConf Toronto Nov 1-3 in Toronto, Canada* We’re excited to be back at for the 5th edition of this North American Vue.js conference, an awesome place to connect and learn from the experts.

If you’d like to go, we invite you to get a 15% off discount on your discount by using the code VUEMASTERY

If you’re brand new to Vue and want to get started building apps right away, remember to check out our Getting Started with Vue. By the end of the day, you will have built two solid Vue apps and understand the essentials of working with the Vue framework.

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